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Saguaro Stitchers membership is open to all stitchers, of any skill level, who belong to the American Needlepoint Guild (ANG).  Although most of our members reside in the Phoenix metro area, we have members from other areas of Arizona, as well as members from other states.  ANG members may choose to belong to more than one local chapter.
Dues for Saguaro Stitchers are $20 per year.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Christy Garza (see newsletter page), and she will send a membership application form.  If you are not yet a member of ANG, please visit the ANG website accessed from our Links page.
Note: Detailed information on members, such as phone numbers, personal emails, and home addresses, is not provided on this website.  Please consult the Membership Roster that is distributed to Saguaro Stitchers active members each September and March.  This roster is for member use only and is not to be used for commercial purposes.
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